Gold Rate In Doha 16 carat
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Today’s 16k Gold Rate In Doha
Units | QAR | USD | INR |
1 Gram | 210 | 57.52 | 4832 |
5 Gram | 1050 | 287.6 | 24160 |
10 Gram | 2100 | 575.2 | 48320 |
1 Tola | 2449 | 670.6 | 56341 |
1 Ounce | 6531 | 1789 | 150275 |
100 Gram | 21000 | 5752 | 483200 |
Last Updated Oct 17, 2024
Gold Rate In Oct 2024, Sep 2024, Aug 2024, Show More
16k Gold Rate today In Doha per gram is 210 QAR, rate of per 5 gram is 1050 QAR, price of 10 gram is 2100 QAR, the rate of gold in Doha per tola is 2449 QAR, per ounce price is 6531 QAR and the rate of 16k gold per 100 gram is 21000 QAR.
In USD 16k Gold Rate today In Doha per gram is 57.52 USD, rate of per 5 gram is 287.6 USD, price of 10 gram is 575.2 USD, the rate of gold in Doha per tola is 670.6 USD, per ounce price is 1789 USD and the rate of 16k gold per 100 gram is 5752 USD.
In INR 16k Gold Rate today In Doha per gram is 4832 INR, rate of per 5 gram is 24160 INR, price of 10 gram is 48320 INR, the rate of gold in Doha per tola is 56341 INR, per ounce price is 150275 INR and the rate of 16k gold per 100 gram is 483200 INR.
16 carat Gold Rate: Today vs Yesterday (QAR)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 210 | 207 | +3 |
5 Gram | 1050 | 1035 | +15 |
10 Gram | 2100 | 2070 | +30 |
1 Tola | 2449 | 2413 | +34 |
1 Ounce | 6531 | 6438 | +92 |
100 Gram | 21000 | 20700 | +300 |
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 210 QAR per gram, yesterday 16K gold price was 207 QAR per gram and the change in rate is +3 QAR.
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 2449 QAR per tola, yesterday 16K gold price was 2413 QAR per tola and the change in rate is +34 QAR.
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 6531 QAR per ounce, yesterday 16K gold price was 6438 QAR per ounce and the change in rate is +92 QAR.
16k Gold Rate: Today vs Yesterday (USD)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 57.52 | 56.99 | +0.53 |
5 Gram | 287.6 | 284.9 | +2.7 |
10 Gram | 575.2 | 569.9 | +5.3 |
1 Tola | 670.6 | 664.5 | +6.1 |
1 Ounce | 1789 | 1772 | +17 |
100 Gram | 5752 | 5699 | +53 |
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 57.52 USD per gram, yesterday 16K gold price was 56.99 USD per gram and the change in rate is +0.53 USD.
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 670.6 USD per tola , yesterday 16K gold price was 664.5 USD per ounce and the change in rate is+6.1 USD.
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 1789 USD per ounce, yesterday 16K gold price was 1772 USD per ounce and the change in rate is +17 USD.
16K Gold Rate: Today vs Yesterday (INR)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 4832 | 4795 | +37 |
5 Gram | 24160 | 23975 | +185 |
10 Gram | 48320 | 47950 | +370 |
1 Tola | 56341 | 55909 | +432 |
1 Ounce | 150275 | 149124 | +1151 |
100 Gram | 483200 | 479500 | +3700 |
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 4832 INR per gram, yesterday 16K gold price was 4795 INR per gram and the change in rate is +37 INR.
16k Gold Rate today In Doha is 56341 INR per tola, yesterday 16K gold price was 55909 INR per tola and the change in rate is +432 INR.
16 carat Gold Rate In Doha today is 150275 INR per ounce, yesterday 16K gold price was 149124 INR per ounce and the change in rate is +1151 INR.
Gold Rate Last 10 Days 16k
Date | QAR | USD | INR |
Oct 17 | 210 | 57.52 | 4832 |
Oct 16 | 210 | 57.52 | 4832 |
Oct 15 | 207 | 56.88 | 4780 |
Oct 14 | 207 | 56.99 | 4795 |
Oct 13 | 207 | 56.99 | 4795 |
Oct 12 | 207 | 56.99 | 4795 |
Oct 11 | 206 | 56.57 | 4755 |
Oct 10 | 204 | 56.13 | 4713 |
Oct 09 | 204 | 56.13 | 4713 |
Oct 08 | 206 | 56.59 | 4751 |