Gold Rate In Al Daayen 18k
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18 Carat Gold Rate In Al Daayen Today
Units | QAR | USD | INR |
1 Gram | 239 | 65.65 | 5519 |
5 Gram | 1195 | 328.2 | 27595 |
10 Gram | 2390 | 656.5 | 55190 |
1 Tola | 2787 | 765.4 | 64351 |
1 Ounce | 7433 | 2042 | 171641 |
100 Gram | 23900 | 6565 | 551900 |
Last Updated Oct 20, 2024
Gold Rate In Oct 2024, Sep 2024, Aug 2024, Show More
Gold rate in Al Daayen 18k today per gram is 239 QAR, rate of per 5 gram is 1195 QAR, price of 10 gram is 2390 QAR, the rate of gold in Al Daayen per tola is 2787 QAR, per ounce price is 7433 QAR and the rate of 24k gold per 100 gram is 23900 QAR.
In USD the gold rate in Al Daayen 18k today per gram is 65.65 USD, rate of per 5 gram is 328.2 USD, price of 10 gram is 656.5 USD, the rate of gold in Al Daayen per tola is 765.4 USD, per ounce price is 2042 USD and the rate of 24k gold per 100 gram is 6565 USD.
In INR the gold rate in Al Daayen 18k today per gram is 5519 INR, rate of per 5 gram is 27595 INR, price of 10 gram is 55190 INR, the rate of gold in Al Daayen per tola is 64351 INR, per ounce price is 171641 INR and the rate of 24k gold per 100 gram is 551900 INR.
18K Gold Rate: Today vs Yesterday (QAR)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 239 | 237 | +2 |
5 Gram | 1195 | 1185 | +10 |
10 Gram | 2390 | 2370 | +20 |
1 Tola | 2787 | 2763 | +23 |
1 Ounce | 7433 | 7371 | +62 |
100 Gram | 23900 | 23700 | +200 |
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 239 QAR per gram, yesterday 18K gold price was 237 QAR per gram and the change in rate is +2 QAR.
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 2787 QAR per tola, yesterday 18K gold price was 2763 QAR per tola and the change in rate is +23 QAR.
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 7433 QAR per ounce, yesterday 18K gold price was 7371 QAR per ounce and the change in rate is +62 QAR.
18K Gold Rate: Today vs Yesterday (USD)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 65.65 | 65.19 | +0.46 |
5 Gram | 328.2 | 325.9 | +2.3 |
10 Gram | 656.5 | 651.9 | +4.6 |
1 Tola | 765.4 | 760.1 | +5.3 |
1 Ounce | 2042 | 2027 | +15 |
100 Gram | 6565 | 6519 | +46 |
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 65.65 USD per gram, yesterday 18K gold price was 65.19 USD per gram and the change in rate is +0.46 USD.
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 765.4 USD per tola, yesterday 18K gold price was 760.1 USD per tola and the change in rate is +5.3 USD.
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 2042 USD per ounce, yesterday 18K gold price was 2027 USD per ounce and the change in rate is +15 USD.
18K Gold Rate: Today vs Yesterday (INR)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 5519 | 5481 | +38 |
5 Gram | 27595 | 27405 | +190 |
10 Gram | 55190 | 54810 | +380 |
1 Tola | 64351 | 63908 | +443 |
1 Ounce | 171641 | 170459 | +1182 |
100 Gram | 551900 | 548100 | +3800 |
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 5519 INR per gram, yesterday 18K gold price was 5481 INR per gram and the change in rate is +38 INR.
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 64351 INR per tola, yesterday 18K gold price was 63908 INR per tola and the change in rate is +443 INR.
The gold rate in Al Daayen 18K today is 171641 INR per ounce, yesterday 18K gold price was 170459 INR per ounce and the change in rate is +1182 INR.
Gold Rate Last 10 Days
Date | QAR | USD | INR |
Oct 20 | 239 | 65.65 | 5519 |
Oct 19 | 239 | 65.65 | 5519 |
Oct 18 | 237 | 65.19 | 5481 |
Oct 17 | 236 | 64.67 | 5433 |
Oct 16 | 236 | 64.67 | 5433 |
Oct 15 | 234 | 63.96 | 5375 |
Oct 14 | 234 | 64.08 | 5391 |
Oct 13 | 234 | 64.08 | 5391 |
Oct 12 | 234 | 64.08 | 5391 |
Oct 11 | 231 | 63.60 | 5346 |